
Smith, Jessica: Compact First Teacher's Book

Fast, focused exam preparation for the B2 First exam. This Teacher's Book accompanies the Compact First Student's Book, and includes clear instructions and guidance on how to get the best out of the course. The Cambridge One Digital Pack includes access to Class Audio, animations and answer keys and scripts. There are also comprehensive Photocopiable Resources with accompanying audio and a Speaking test video. Additionally, the teacher gains access to student Test and Train Exam Practice and Practice Test, Practice Extra grammar and vocabulary activities.
Autor Smith, Jessica
Verlag Cambridge University Press
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Seitenangabe 96 S.
Meldetext Lieferbar in 24 Stunden
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen mit Online-Zugangscode
Masse H27.6 cm x B22.0 cm x D0.6 cm 268 g
Coverlag Cambridge English (Imprint/Brand)
Auflage 3. A., 3. Dr.
Fast, focused exam preparation for the B2 First exam. This Teacher's Book accompanies the Compact First Student's Book, and includes clear instructions and guidance on how to get the best out of the course. The Cambridge One Digital Pack includes access to Class Audio, animations and answer keys and scripts. There are also comprehensive Photocopiable Resources with accompanying audio and a Speaking test video. Additionally, the teacher gains access to student Test and Train Exam Practice and Practice Test, Practice Extra grammar and vocabulary activities.
CHF 79.00
Verfügbarkeit: Am Lager
ISBN: 978-1-108-92197-8
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in 24 Stunden

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