
Vince, Michael: Intermediate: Language Practice Intermediate Student's Book +key Pack 3rd Edition - Language Practice

Suitable for studnets at PET
This '+ key' Intermediate Language Practice edition is ideal for self-study or classroom use. It has clear presentations and practice of language skills students need to know, including spelling, punctuation and word formation. Regular consolidated unit reviews and extra practice units on accompanying CD-ROM make it perfect for exam preparation.
Autor Vince, Michael
Verlag Macmillan Education
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2010
Meldetext Artikel-Nr. geändert. Ersatzartikel. Neu 46811874
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen Farb. Abb.
Masse H26.9 cm x B19.7 cm x D2.0 cm 714 g
Auflage 3. A., 29. Dr. 2023
Kettungstitel Language Practice
This '+ key' Intermediate Language Practice edition is ideal for self-study or classroom use. It has clear presentations and practice of language skills students need to know, including spelling, punctuation and word formation. Regular consolidated unit reviews and extra practice units on accompanying CD-ROM make it perfect for exam preparation.
CHF 65.00
ISBN: 978-0-230-72701-4
Verfügbarkeit: Nicht mehr erhältlich

Über den Autor Vince, Michael

Michael Vince - Born in London in 1947, and studied English Literature at Cambridge. First taught ELT in Italy and Britain. After postgraduate studies in Education, he taught English in secondary schools in Britain, before moving to Greece, where he taught at the British Council, Athens. By the time he left to concentrate on materials writing, he had become Assistant Centre Director with responsibility for Teacher Education. His coursebook 'Highlight' won an ESU Duke of Edinburgh Award in 1992. He holds an MA in TEFL from Reading University, and what used to be the RSA DipTefl. Now living in London and concentrating on materials writing.

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